The Thomas model was made by ZombieAli and the audio modification is by the same person that did the X Gon Give it To Ya mod. If you really want to get the most out of the Thomas mod, you can use the aforementioned DMX audio mod with the Thomas model for a combination that is both horrifying and hilarious. As for the Thomas model, that was done by ZombieAli. Which is a fun coincidence since the audio queue of the Thomas & Friends theme was done by the very same person who did the DMX mod, DJPop. As you can see from the video, the mod works similarly to the “X Gon’ Give It to Ya” mod that was making the rounds not too long ago. Thanks to a Tweet from user we can see the mod in action. Thanks to a few modders, this picture is now a reality. Now picture this thwarting figure as Thomas the Tank Engine. He is one of the most frightening characters we have seen in games recently which can be attributed to his determination to destroy. Everyone who has played Resident Evil 2 knows Mr.